RSS Upcoming Virtual Events in Region 9

  • WIE Day: Engineering secure-by-design complex systems 26/07/2024
    Apresentamos a palestra da Dra. Eman Hammad, mais uma atividade do WIE DAY, que será realizada em parceiria com o @ieeewieufcg e o @labmetufcg .As inovações na conectividade, no controle e na inteligência dos sistemas da próxima geração continuam a impulsionar acoplamentos mais estreitos entre os mundos cibernético e físico, abrindo caminho para avanços revolucionários em muitos setores, incluindo […]
    ¡Te invitamos al webinar "Innovaciones en la Agricultura: Tecnologías Emergentes y Soluciones Automatizadas"! Descubre cómo las nuevas tecnologías están transformando la agricultura con presentaciones de expertos en el campo. Fecha: 21 de agosto de 2024Hora: 7:00 p.m.Lugar: Auditorio Roberto Barraza, Piso 2, Edificio 1, Campus Central UTPModalidad híbrida: Recibirás el enlace al registrarte. Presentaciones: Msc. […]
  • Capacitação - Introdução às ferramentas dos menus, Modelagem 3D - CS EPS UFF 24/07/2024
    Capacitação de Modelagem 3D para os membros da CS EPS UFF.
  • Capacitação - Introdução à Estrutura de Dados - CS EPS UFF 24/07/2024
    Capacitação sobre o tema Estrutura de Dados para os membros da CS EPS UFF
  • Reunión virtual de Ramas Estudiantiles 22/07/2024
     ¡Atención, comunidad estudiantil IEEE de México!  Te invitamos al Entrenamiento Virtual de Ramas Estudiantiles de México, un evento diseñado para proporcionarte un entrenamiento integral en el uso de herramientas y plataformas IEEE, así como en la gestión eficiente de actividades y eventos. ¡Fortalece tus habilidades de administración, colaboración y liderazgo dentro de la comunidad IEEE!

RSS IEEE Spectrum

  • Biocompatible Mic Could Lead to Better Cochlear Implants
    Cochlear implants—the neural prosthetic cousins of standard hearing aids—can be a tremendous boon for people with profound hearing loss. But many would-be users are turned off by the device’s cumbersome external hardware, which must be worn to process signals passing through the implant. So researchers have been working to make a cochlear implant that sits […]
  • Next-Gen Brain Implant Uses a Graphene Chip
    A Barcelona-based startup called Inbrain Neuroelectronics has produced a novel brain implant made of graphene and is gearing up for its first in-human test this summer. The technology is a type of brain-computer interface. BCIs have garnered interest because they record signals from the brain and transmit them to a computer for analysis. They have […]
  • Origami Helps Implant Sensors in Bio-Printed Tissue
    In the United States alone, more than 100,000 people currently need a lifesaving organ transplant. Instead of waiting for donors, one way to solve this crisis in the future is to assemble replacement organs with bio-printing—3D printing that uses inks containing living cells. Scientists in Israel have found that origami techniques could help fold sensors […]
  • The Best Bionic Leg Yet
    For the first time, a small group of patients with amputations below the knee were able to control the movements of their prosthetic legs through neural signals—rather than relying on programmed cycles for all or part of a motion—and resume walking with a natural gait. The achievement required a specialized amputation surgery combined with a […]
  • Bath Engineers Bet on Dirt for Micropower
    A thimbleful of soil can contain a universe of microorganisms, up to 10 billion by some estimates. Now a group of researchers in Bath, United Kingdom, are building prototype technologies that harvest electrons exhaled by some micro-species. The idea is to power up low-yield sensors and switches, and perhaps help farmers digitally optimize crop yields […]


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