RSS Upcoming Virtual Events in Region 9

  • IEEE URUCON 2024 Organization Chairs Committee. Session Nº 21 09/10/2024
    Working meeting of the committee of chairs of the IEEE URUCON 2024 Conference.
  • IEEE URUCON 2024 Organization Chairs Committee. Session Nº 22 09/10/2024
    Working meeting of the committee of chairs of the IEEE URUCON 2024 Conference.
  • Reunión administrativa para considerar LAEDC 2025 en Guadalajara - Seguimiento 09/10/2024
    Se tuvo una reunión de seguimiento con miembros de Sección Guadalajara, así como del Capítulo EDC,  para recibir información relevante para considerar traer la conferencia LAEDC 2025 a Guadalajara.   LAEDC IEEE Latin American Electron Devices Conference
  • WiP Day 'Experiencias y Desarrollo Profesional a través de WiP R9' 09/10/2024
    Celebramos el Women in Power Day con una charla virtual donde Catleen Lozano ex representante WiP de la Región 9, nos compartirá su experiencia en esta iniciativa de PES y cómo esto le ha ayudado a potenciar su carrera profesional. Participa y conoce los beneficios de WiP 👷🏽‍♀️💚⚡               […]
    📢 Attention young professionals and future IEEE professionals!✨ We invite you to the "I Symposium IEEE YP Peru," a high-impact event organized by IEEE YP Peru Section Affinity Group within the framework of the celebration of IEEE Day. Don't miss this opportunity to connect and grow! ✨ What will you be able to do? 🤝 […]

RSS IEEE Spectrum

  • Electrical Stitches Speed Wound Healing in Rats
    Surgical stitches that generate electricity can help wounds heal faster in rats, a new study from China finds.In the body, electricity helps the heart beat, causes muscles to contract, and enables the body to communicate with the brain. Now scientists are increasingly using electricity to promote healing with so-called electroceuticals. Electrotherapy often seeks to mimic […]
  • Neuralink’s Blindsight Device Is Likely to Disappoint
    Neuralink’s visual prosthesis Blindsight has been designated a breakthrough device by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which potentially sets the technology on a fast track to approval.In confirming the news, an FDA spokesperson emphasized that the designation does not mean that Blindsight is yet considered safe or effective. Technologies in the program have potential […]
  • A Bendy RISC-V Processor
    For the first time, scientists have created a flexible programmable chip that is not made of silicon. The new ultralow-power 32-bit microprocessor from U.K.-based Pragmatic Semiconductor and its colleagues can operate while bent, and can run machine learning workloads. The microchip’s open-source RISC-V architecture suggests it might cost less than a dollar, putting it in […]
  • Stretchy Wearables Can Now Heal Themselves
    If you’ve ever tried to get a bandage to stick to your elbow, you understand the difficulty in creating wearable devices that attach securely to the human body. Add digital electronic circuitry, and the problem becomes more complicated. Now include the need for the device to fix breaks and damage automatically—and let’s make it biodegradable […]
  • Cat's Eye Camera Can See Through Camouflage
    Did that rock move, or is it a squirrel crossing the road? Tracking objects that look a lot like their surroundings is a big problem for many autonomous vision systems. AI algorithms can solve this camouflage problem, but they take time and computing power. A new camera designed by researchers in South Korea provides a […]


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