RSS Upcoming Virtual Events in Region 9

  • Seguridad e Higiene en la Operación de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia 15/05/2024
    En este webinar de acceso libre se describirán puntos importantes sobre el marco normativo de seguridad y salud en el trabajo aplicado a maniobras de elementos eléctricos de un Sistema Eléctrico de Potencia. En cumplimiento al marco normativo del Manual Regulatorio de Coordinación Operativa, Capítulo 800: Seguridad e Higiene, CFE Transmisión, Capítulo 100: Seguridad e […]
  • Importance of participating in the RoboCup 15/05/2024
    Importance of participating in the RoboCup Esta videoconferencia te permitirá obtener una perspectiva internacional respecto a competencias de robótica y estimular a que los estudiantes empiecen a competir en un escenario global con desafíos que realmente impulsen su crecimiento profesional y académico.
  • Conferencia sobre la Inflación Cósmica 15/05/2024
    ¿El universo crece? ¿Bing Bang? 🤯🤯 Descubre estos y más misterios en nuestra charla divulgativa: ☄✨INFLACION COSMICA☄ ✨ Permitete conocer los secretos del cosmos en este espacio del ⚠MIERCOLES DE FISICA⚠  Acompáñanos de forma virtual 💻📱:  ‼NO TE LO PIERDAS‼
  • Prueba Registro Taller Redacción de Artículos Científicos - YP R9 - CONCAPAN 2024 14/05/2024
    Prueba Registro Taller Redacción de Artículos Científicos - YP R9 - CONCAPAN 2024 Descripción
  • I Meeting of Engineering, Technology and Health (I Encontro de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Saúde) 14/05/2024
    The event held in partnership with the Professional Joint Chapter IEEE EMBS/EDS/MTT-S Central-North Brazil, the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (PPGEB/FGA/UnB), the UnB Student Branch, the EMBS UnB Student Chapter, Wie UnB, IEEE Central-North Brazil Section, and other collaborators will enable interaction among the target audience, particularly with the participation of highly qualified speakers.

RSS IEEE Spectrum

  • "Snake-like" Probe Images Arteries from Within
    Neurosurgeon Vitor Mendes Pereira has grown accustomed to treating brain aneurysms with only blurry images for guidance.Equipped with a rough picture of the labyrinthine network of arteries in the brain, he does his best to insert mesh stents or coils of platinum wire—interventions intended to promote clotting and to seal off a bulging blood vessel.The […]
  • MRI Sheds Its Shielding and Superconducting Magnets
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has revolutionized healthcare by providing radiation-free, non-invasive 3-D medical images. However, MRI scanners often consume 25 kilowatts or more to power magnets producing magnetic fields up to 1.5 tesla. These requirements typically limits scanners’ use to specialized centers and departments in hospitals.A University of Hong Kong team has now unveiled a […]
  • Sea Turtle Ears Inspire a New Heart Monitor Design
    This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore.Sea turtles are remarkable creatures for a number of reasons, including the way they hear underwater—not through openings in the form of ears, but by detecting vibrations directly through the skin covering their auditory system. Inspired by this ability to […]
  • Tiny Biosensor Unlocks the Secrets of Sweat
    Sweat: We all do it. It plays an essential role in controlling body temperature by cooling the skin through evaporation. But it can also carry salts and other molecules out of the body in the process. In medieval Europe, people would lick babies; if the skin was salty, they knew that serious illness was likely. […]
  • This Blood-Sampling Cytometer Is Small Enough for Mars
    The race for Mars is on. NASA hopes to land the first Martian in the next decade, and the agency’s not alone: The China National Space Administration, Indian Space Research Organization, and Russia’s Roscosmos, as well as Elon Musk’s SpaceX have similar aspirations.Yet the trip to Mars a long journey, filled with questions about how […]


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